Course curriculum

    1. Course Instructions 교육 프로그램 설명

    2. Pre-Course Survey 사전 설문조사

    3. Programming Booklet 학습 안내서

    4. Welcome Message 인사말

    5. Opening Lecture by Dr. Josephine Kim 조세핀 김 교수님과의 오프닝 강의

    1. Learning Materials 학습 자료

    2. 1.1 Christianity and Mental Health 기독교와 정신건강

    3. 1.2 Breaking the Silence on Mental Health in the Korean American Community 정신건강에 대한 침묵 깨기

    4. Week 1. Reflections 1주차 돌아보기 [Please submit after your synchronous discussion session. 소그룹 모임이 끝난 후 작성해주세요.]

    1. Learning Materials 학습 자료

    2. 2.1 Marriage and Mental Health 결혼과 정신건강

    3. 2.2 Parenting and Mental Health 자녀 양육과 정신건강

    4. Week 2. Reflections 돌아보기 [Please submit after your synchronous discussion session. 소그룹 모임 후 작성해주세요]

    1. Learning Materials 학습자료

    2. 3.1 Mental Health of Korean American Youth 한국계 미국인 청소년 정신건강

    3. 3.2 Crisis Management for Youth 청소년을 위한 위기 관리

    4. Week 3. Reflections 돌아보기 [Please submit after your synchronous discussion session. 소그룹 모임 후 작성해주세요]

    1. Learning Materials 학습자료

    2. 4.1 Depression 우울증

    3. 4.2 Anger Management 분노조절

    4. 4.3 Suicide Prevention 자살 예방

    5. Week 4. Reflections 돌아보기 [Please submit after your synchronous discussion session. 소그룹 모임 후 작성해주세요]

    1. Before the lecture 강의 시청 이전에

    2. Learning Materials 학습자료

    3. 5. Self-care, Soul Care 자기관리, 영혼관리

    4. 5.2 Starting a Mental Health Committee in Your Church 교회에서 정신건강 위원회 시작하기

    5. Week 5. Reflections 돌아보기 [Please submit after your synchronous discussion session. 소그룹 모임 후 작성해주세요]

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 29 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content

Weekly Discussion Session via ZOOM 소그룹 Zoom 모임

Participants will watch lectures online during their own time and meet with a mental health expert and participants on Zoom every week to implement course objectives.

We will shortly share the details. If you have any inquiries please reach out to [email protected]

About the Program

Through our 5-week training program, you will learn practical and feasible ways to address mental health issues for your congregation from seasoned Korean American mental health professionals. (총 5주간의 프로그램을 통해 한인 교회 지도자 여러분들이 정신건강 전문가분들을 통해 효율적으로 이슈를 다룰 수 있는 방안을 배워나갑니다.)

  • This course is made up of both asynchronous and synchronous learning, which will take 2 hours/week over five weeks. 2024 Cohort: 09/30 - 11/01. 인터넷 강의 시청 1시간, Zoom을 통한 나눔 그룹 세션 1시간으로 총 매주 2시간이 소요됩니다.

  • Anyone 18 years or older with a ministry role in a Korean American church (e.g., pastors, elders, deacons, small group leaders, Sunday school teachers) is welcome to join. 한인 교회를 섬겨주시는 18세 이상의 리더분들 모두 신청하실 수 있습니다. 목사님, 전도사님, 장로님, 목장장, 스몰그룹 리더, 주일학교 교사 등 모두 포함합니다.

  • Video lectures will be subtitled in Korean, and participants will choose whether to participate in discussion groups held entirely in Korean or English. 본 강의는 영어로 진행되고, 한국어 자막이 있습니다. 2024 코호트의 소그룹은 영어로만 진행될 예정입니다.


These are how the church leaders have grown and experienced through MHT program.

“This program has opened up my eyes on the needs and the ways to address the needs that are all around us, including myself. I do need to review all the videos and the materials and assess the situations at our church and develop the roadmap and plans with others who have the heart and the calling for this worthy ministry.”

1st Cohort Participant

“주변의 사람들을 겉모습이 아닌 내면과 아픔을 바라볼 수 있는 마음이 좀 더 깊어졌고, 주변에 여러 정신적 어려움과 고통 가운데 있는 분들을 어떻게 도와 드려야할지에 대하여 좀 더 구체적으로 알게 된 것 같습니다. 우선 제 자신의 인식이 변화되었고, 교회와 주변에도 인식의 변화가 일어나기를 소망합니다. ”

Okhee Kim, 2nd Cohort Participant

“I think I was the one who was blessed the most throughout the program. As I was listening to my teammates, I was able to understand and see from their perspective. As someone from an older generation compared to my teammates, it brought me hope and conviction that God is already working on the next generation. To see such passionate people who love God and His people was amazing and a blessing!!”

1st Cohort Participant

“이민생활 바쁜 일정에 쫓기듯, 형식적인 예배자의 삶을 살아왔던 시간들을 돌아보고, 하나님께서 우리를 부르신 뜻을 알 수 있는 좋은 기회가 되었습니다.건강한 교회를 위한, 리더자들의 정신 건강을 위한 시간적 안식, 공간적 안식처들이 필요하며, 성도들의 정신 건강의 중요성과 문제 해결을 위해 구성되어야 하는 모임과 예산이 필요하다는 것 또한 놀라운 깨달음이 되었습니다.”

Soon Kwon, 2nd Cohort Participant

“I was most encouraged by how many people signed up for this course and how many pastors around the country are committed to caring for the mental health of their congregants. I'm very thankful for the fruit God will bear through these trainings for the betterment of our brothers/sisters who are fighting with their mental health.”

1st Cohort Participant

“Personally, I have appreciated the unique space to explore mental health in the Korean-American context. I was moved by the facts and discussion which has brought awareness and desire to begin addressing the mental health needs in myself, my family, my friends and church, especially the Korean-American community. Having the tools to approach our mental health with a godly perspective has been freeing and healing. Thank you for creating this content and bringing in trained professionals to teach and support learners. ”

2nd Cohort Participant

“This program has not only broadened my understanding of mental health, but also encouraged me to be more involved in finding ways to provide support to those who need it. I pray that we can continue to work together to find healing for our community, listening to one voice, one heart at a time. ”

2nd Cohort Partcipant

“정신건강은 요즘 모두가 의식적이든 무의식적이든 겪고 있는 이슈입니다. 이런 배움과 지식을 통해 좀 더 이해할 수 있고 교회세팅에도 사람들에게도 접목시키고 적용시키고 있어서 감사합니다. 이런 건강한 대화가 교회 안에서 반드시 필요했고 이 기회로 시작했습니다.”

2nd Cohort Partcipant

“This has been such an invaluable training. I realize we’re just scratching the surface and we have a long way to go in terms of implementing everything we have learned. However there always has to be a starting point and there should be ongoing conversations about mental health topics. At the very least, I hope our church is open to starting a group or a forum to Talk about such issues. I’m also hoping To encourage our church to create an excel Spreadsheet of congregants specialties so we know who we can reach out to. ”

2nd Cohort Participant

“Thank you for creating a place of growth and learning for us. I am leaving with greater urgency and feelings of being more equipped to begin move more practically towards action in our church promoting a mentally healthy church. ”

2nd Cohort Participant

Benefits of the Training

  • Curated lectures and tailored content 맞춤형 강의

    from leading experts and speakers in the Korean American mental health field. 한인 정신건강 분야의 전문가와 스피커분들이 직접 구상하고 참여하셨습니다.

  • Access to an exclusive peer-learning space 네트워킹 기회

    to collaborate and implement with other Korean American church leaders across the country who are facing similar challenges. 미주 타 지역 한인 교회 지도자분들과 교류하실 수 있습니다. 함께 마주하는 비슷한 문제에 대해 논의하고, 협업할 기회가 될 것입니다.

  • Ongoing support throughout the program 전문적 지원

    from Korean American mental health professionals who are passionate about seeing you successfully create a mentally healthy church. 건강한 교회를 함께 꿈꾸는 한인 정신건강 전문가분들이 함께 하십니다.

Course Benefits, Registration, Group Discounts

Pricing options

Through generous donations, MSG is offering this training for special price for a limited time (valued at $500).

We are with you. We believe in the Church.

Learn with us today!